After I decided to start a business, the next decision I had to make was the businesses name. I needed something that reflected who I am, and what I envisioned my company to be. Many people ask how I chose the name Alegna Soap. To me it is obvious now, but I'm embarrassed to admit the first time it was suggested, I didn't get it. …
Is there lye in my soap?
One of the questions I've been asked many times is "Is there lye in my soap?" I answer honestly that there is no lye in my soap but I did use lye to make the soap. This is pretty confusing to most people. If I used lye to make the soap, how can there be no lye in the soap? …
Dealing with a Customer who Complains
One of the most difficult aspects of running a business is dealing with a customer who complains. It certainly isn’t my favorite part of the day. Since the products we make are such a personal part of us, it’s difficult not to get offended. Read and see how some of the best in our business deal with it. …
Master Soap Hacker
As I write this blog I haven't seen the show yet on TV. It starts in a few hours. I've seen the promo. I still can't believe that I was given the title of Master Soap Hacker and made soap on the truTV show Hack My Life. It started like this.. …
A Confession- My Natural Perfume Addiction
I have an addiction. I'm sure there are others who share this addiction with me, but I don't know of anyone personally. Even as a young child I remember staring, overwhelmed with the samples on the counter that were waiting for me to try them. …
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