Taking a Break My son and his wife went away for a few days in the beginning of the summer. He didn't have to ask if we would babysit because we offered before he had a chance. It would mean taking a break from soap and all that goes with it. No soap making, planning and social media. No order placing, organizing and blog writing. I had …
What is a Pound Auction?
My mom goes to the Bellmore Senior Center a few days a week. The center has different activities for the seniors in the Town of Hempstead. Some of the activities include: physical fitness classes, humanities discussions, current events, history, music, arts and crafts, dance, piano lessons, showtime, painting, ceramics, sewing, needle …
Olive Oil
Since I spend a lot of time with my soaps, I think of them as my friends. I give them different personalities and I thought you may like to see them the way I do. Meet Francesca, my Olive Oil soap. Francesca rushes into her front hallway carrying five or six shopping bags. Carefully placing her Luxottica sunglasses in their …
Private Soapmaking Class
Nancy lives in Puerto Rico and was in New York for a few weeks. She emailed be about taking a soapmaking class. She had tried a few times to take one in Puerto Rico, but each time there was a class scheduled, something came up and she couldn't get there. …
Brian’s Line
Brian's Line My husband is a pretty friendly guy. He likes to talk to my customers at events that I do. He will tell customers about the special products I make just for him. After a while, I started hearing "Can you sell me some of that special soap you make?", "What is that balm your husband uses?" and "Which sugar scrub is Brian's?" …