My mother had a sense of humor. She would have laughed at my Herbal Soap. Along my soap making way, I've acquired an eclectic collection of essential oils. Small bottles of Black Cumin, Oregano and Turmeric sat on my shelves. I'm not sure where I picked them up. They aren't traditional aromas for soap making. I wasn't sure what …
Alegna Soap
The Mod Squad Soap
They were The Mod Squad ("One black, one white, one blonde"), described by one critic as "the hippest and first young undercover cops on TV" As soon as I made this soap, I named it the Mod Squad Soap. The colors reminded me of the old TV show. To be one hundred percent honest, I should have waited. Now I think Orange Sherbet …
What happens as soap cures?
Have you ever been curious what happens as soap cures? What happens as soap cures The first thing that is going on in that soap batch is the saponification reaction. …
Soap on a Rope
I remember the first time I ever saw soap on a rope. My parents had taken us to Gettysburg Pennsylvania for vacation and I was in the souvenir shop. At the end of our trip, my parents let us pick out one item. And I always bought soap. Always. …
Mom’s Birthday Soap
My mom loved the color Purple. She loved the color purple so much, she had my dad paint the front door purple. And the awning over the door too. Along with their bathroom. She wanted to paint their bedroom purple, but dad put his foot down. He wasn't a purple kind of guy. …