I remember the day I ordered my first pallet of oils for Alegna Soap®. The holiday season was coming up I needed to order more oils and butters. I checked my bank account and decided to place a large order. The company I used gave a discount if you ordered more than three boxes of an item. After I placed my order, a company rep emailed me to …
Alegna Soap
How to make your bathroom smell nice
Have you ever wondered to yourself "How can I make my bathroom smell nice?" I have a few ideas for you. These ideas aren't meant to replace cleaning your bathroom, if your bathroom isn't clean nothing will make it smell nice. These are some easy things you can do to improve the air quality in your bathroom. …
Marie Forleo and My Copy Cure Commercial
Above is a still shot off from my Copy Cure commercial. I still can’t believe it. Back in 2015, I knew I needed help writing. Owning an online business means blogging, and I’m not a fan of putting words on paper. Marie Forleo has always been an inspiration to me, so when she opened up a class called The Copy Cure, I registered. It was …
My Coronavirus Gratitude List
Coronavirus Gratitude List My friend Marla Bosworth of Back Porch Soap runs a group on Facebook called Natural Beauty and Wellness Entrepreneurs. Every Friday she does a "Meet the Creative" series and last Friday I was in the spotlight. One of Marla's comments to me was she loved my Gratitude Blog. I realized I haven't done one in the …
My Corona Normal
It seems we all have a new corona normal schedule. Besides the virus, there's a lot of fear in the air. Financially, there are many unknowns. Emotionally, we worry about family and friends. Some reading I've been doing says to keep a schedule. Get up the same time every day, put on your make-up as if you're leaving your …