Soap Conferences
It’s not a secret that I love to talk about all things soap. The properties of different base oils, blending fragrances, cold process soap vs hot process soap vs melt and pour soap, the features of different stick blenders, additives, botanicals. I could go on but I won’t. At all soap conferences I go to, the attendees are my kind of people. Where else can I find so many soap makers willing to share their knowledge and expertise? I’ve been making soap for 19 years now and I still learn enough at each of the soap conferences I attend to make it worthwhile.
I’ve made friends with other soap makers on Long Island. Some view me as competition and aren’t interested in developing a relationship. But others understand how much we can learn from one another and help each other as business owners. I can keep my shipping costs down when I order with a friend, and if I don’t make what you want, I’ll refer you to someone who does. I’ve gotten business from my Long Island soap making friends too. It works both ways.
I spent this past weekend at the annual HSCG Soap Conference in Atlanta. There were over 600 soap makers in attendance. Last month I attended the Tennessee Soap and Candle Social. And next month I’ll be at The Handmade Conference in Ohio. (If you’re interested I think there are a scant few tickets left). This conference will be just as informative as the others, and I’m looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones.
The best part of these conferences aren’t the amazing workshops, sampling the vendor inventory, or the generous swag bags I receive. It’s the people I meet, the friendships I form, and the memories created. That’s what I’m grateful for this week.
What about you? What are you grateful for?
Yours in Gratitude,
Collaboration is fun, many are afraid. I am impressed you are not intimidated. Keep us clean <3
My thoughts exactly. Thanks for sharing!
You have been so busy, I love to see you thrilled with soap making.
Lol, I also love being busy. Thanks Sharon!
Hi Angela
Great words, thoughts and feelings. Very well said indeed.
I am grateful for another day.
I am grateful for you.
Love life~
Paula xox
Thanks Paula! Love you too!