Total overwhelm, is my first thought when someone asks me what were the obstacles starting a business. Next, is a feeling a panic. I majored in science in college and had no business experience. Muddling my way through a lot of legal paperwork, setting up a website and learning how to market my soaps were only a few of the things needed to be done. I felt like I needed a team to do it all.
So I asked some friends, what were their obstacles starting a business. Maybe you can learn from them as I did.
“Marketing on a budget. Knowing where and how to spend my marketing money wisely was such a challenge. Then, figuring out my audience and how to speak to them. Also, figuring out how to charge the right amount for my products.”
“The biggest challenge for me was when I first started and no one else saw my vision. Family members kept asking when I was going to quit. I learned a lot about my own determination and my unwavering commitment.”
“I unexpectedly started my business, so there was a lot I didn’t know I needed to get done: registrations, certifications, business structure, taxes etc. To overcome my shortcomings in these areas I attended as many workshops and classes, and read as much information on the topic I could find.”
“How to get my product in the hands of my clients. I started doing shows and updating my website.”
“That was many years ago – about 21 to be exact and I guess my biggest obstacle was marketing and still is – this is the biggest one in my books – letting people know who I am and why I do what I do- it is being consistent and not letting myself get distracted by the shiny things of making product- the creativity is the reason I want to make product and try to do new things but then the selling of it and the marketing is what gets me stuck as the perseverance and being consistent and doing the things I have to do as a sole business owner that at time sucks when I would rather be making product and playing- that is a mighty obstacle- was and still is.”
“When I started there were very few business and marketing resources specifically for product makers (this was over 20 years ago.) I have a degree in marketing and know how to wrote copy (duh) but I wanted specific info for our industry. The usual business resources didn’t give me what I needed. I found Donna Maria’s book on making skincare…that lead me to Indie and changed everything. The one thing is know know that I didn’t know them: there are people just like me and my business out there…search to find them because they’ll be your biggest advocates and source of business know-how and inspiration.”
“It was more about what I didn’t know and it was how to be a business woman. I still work on it everyday but hiring a business coach and surrounding myself with professionals from all industries helped. I was able to see what worked and didn’t work.”
Let me know if you learned a tip or two from my friends.
Yours in Gratitude,
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