I want everyone to be able to give a gift that gives.
It’s rare that I use my blog to push my products. This is one of those occasions.
If you know me, you know about Soap for Soup, and how this soap came about. The long story is here. The short story is that I donate the money I make for this soap to a food pantry in Bethpage. So far this year I’ve sold 287 bars at $5 each, and was able to donate $1435 to the St Martin of Tours food pantry that helped my friend many years ago.
The mission of St. Martin of Tours Parish Outreach Food Pantry is to provide food and other support, in a significant non-denominational way, to those in need in the local community. This outreach helps clients to function as viable members of the community as they struggle through crises of physical/ mental illness, employment or under employment, separation or divorce or incarceration.
I want to get the donation over the $2000 mark this year, so I put together these cute boxes of Soap for Soup. Each box contains 2 soaps. They are absolutely perfect for gift giving. The price of the gift set is $8, that’s 20% off my usual price. But I’ll donate a full $10 for each box purchased.
This time of year the food pantries have a lot of donations, it’s in January and February that things get slow. How wonderful would it be if I sent a big fat check at the end of December to carry them through those lean months? Not only will I be grateful, but so many other will be too.
Thank you for your support of my small business.
Click here to purchase.
Yours in Gratitude,
Not only are the boxed soaps beautiful, but what a great cause to donate sales to! Thanks for doing that. I hope everyone buys soap, because who doesn’t need it???
I think one of the reasons I love soap is because we all need it. It’s a basic necessity. At the end of the year, I’ll donate the soaps that don’t sell to the pantry. Someone can use them! Thanks Cindy.
This is such a nice thing that you do every year. And you soaps are so lovely.
Thank you Donna!