I want to share my Gratitude for Soap Conferences this week. I'm sure my family is also grateful for them too, I can see how they roll their eyes when I start to talk soap. …
Typical Day in the Life of this Soap Maker
I thought you might be interested in a typical summer day in the life of this soap maker. I can't speak for all soap makers, but this is a pretty typical summer day for me. The alarm goes off at 7 …
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The Best Kind of Weekend, another Grandchild Weekend.
This past weekend was the best kind of weekend. Another grandchild weekend. This time we traveled to Virginia where my grandson Brian lives. Yes, he lives with my daughter and son-in-law. But frankly, we don't go to see them, we go to see Brian. :) …
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Soap, Bubbles and Grandchildren
I think my 3 favorite things are soap, bubbles & grandchildren. Maybe not in that order though. A few weeks ago we were lucky that our son and daughter-in-law trusted us to watch Luke while they went on a business trip. He's 18 months old and starting to communicate. …
My Soapy Long Island Friends
This week I've been thinking of my soapy Long Island friends. There are quite a few soap makers on Long Island. I love these ladies for many of the same reasons. …