A few weeks ago I received an order for 19 of my Soap for Soup soaps and an email from Helga. It seems her son was getting married and she needed 30 soaps for bridal shower favors. Her son works for Association to Benefit Children and the bride-to-be works for Breaking Ground. The almost married couple are big believers in giving back …
My Dad
My dad was a simple man. He supported us by working as a construction worker, but was a carpenter at heart. He had four daughters, (my sister Mary died a few months after she was born), and although I'm sure he would have liked to have a son, you wouldn't have known it. I felt that I was his favorite, …
Handmade Conference and Project Linus
Handmade Conference and Project Linus This past weekend I was lucky to attend the Handmade Conference in Independence Ohio. The conference is a full three days of education for handmade artisans. This year, in addition to attending some great workshops, the Handmade Conference and Project Linus came together to do a philanthropic …
Lavender Lemongrass
Since I spend a lot of time with my soaps, I think of them as my friends. I give them different personalities and I thought you may like to see them the way I do. Meet Zowie, my Lavender Lemongrass soap. Zowie As she emerges from her room, the word “peace” spelled out in Tibetan symbols on her back peeks above Zowie’s …
Support a Small Business Without Spending a Dime
I'm grateful for everyone who purchases a bar of soap from me. By supporting my small business, you allow me to do what I love. Did you know you can also help without making a purchase? I'd like to give you some ways to support a small business without spending a dime. …
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