Sometimes I wake up and I just don’t feel good. It’s not something physical, it’s just a mood. I take a minute and think about all the things I have to be grateful for. I have a roof over my head, clothes on my back and food on my table. I have a supportive family, a day job with health insurance, and a successful soap company. But I just wasn’t feeling it. Being in gratitude when it’s difficult is, well, difficult.
I live about a mile away from a state park and decided to take a long walk. Usually I just walk around my neighborhood, but I thought today I needed something more. I needed to get out of my head and I felt the trail would help.
The first thing I thought of as I started to walk was how lucky I am to live so close to this park, and that my neighborhood is relatively safe. I remembered when I went to Haiti, and how the women there are living in tent camps with no locks on their doors. Because there are no doors in a tent camp. And because there are no doors and locks they still aren’t safe.
I started thinking of my dad and how much I miss him. I’m grateful he didn’t suffer very long. My dad was always busy doing something, he wasn’t happy just sitting. If he had been confined to a bed his spirit would have died long before his body did. When I think about it that way, I’m grateful he died when he did, even though I miss him terribly.
As I walked I could feel my mood brighten.
A mood is just a mood and will pass. Just because I feel a certain way doesn’t mean I will feel that way forever.
I thought about how grateful I am that I can walk. Not just in the park, but everywhere. I take for granted that when I get out of bed that I can actually get out of bed and walk. And I can walk to indoor plumbing and take a hot shower. I wondered what percentage of people on the Earth can do that.
I don’t know if it was the physical activity or the surroundings, but by the time an hour had passed I was feeling better. I have quite a lot to be grateful for. I’m going to keep that close to my heart.
What are you grateful for this week?
Yours in Gratitude,
I love walking, I make a point of doing it almost every day. The greenery and flowers make it that much nicer. I am happy that this park is close to your home.
Walking usually helps clear my head Sharon. I can get out of myself and my small minded worries what I’m outside on a path.