Last weekend we spent in Virginia with grandbaby Brian. This weekend was our weekend at home with grandbaby Luke. I’m grateful when he fed himself pasta he didn’t get too much of it on me! We spent Sunday with Luke at my mom’s house. It’s amazing how one child can entertain 6 adults all day long. He played with old Tupperware and we read him books. He wobbled down the hall and took the water bottles out of the box. He loved the stuffed animal kissing dogs my mom has and the cuckoo clock my dad brought home from Germany.
I’m grateful I found these round soap molds at Wholesale Supplies Plus. I made my Shaving soap this weekend and it’s so much easier making it with these molds. I use the binder clips to make sure the sides are shut tight. Each mold makes 6 soaps, and I have 12 of them. It beats pouring into 72 individual molds!
I’ve become obsessed with African Black soap. It’s made with cocoa pad and plantain ash. I’ve been wanting to make some for the longest time and was able to this week. I’m grateful some of my customers are as excited about this soap as I am and have offered to test it for me. It naturally has a very earthy scent and I hope no one is put off by it. I thought about adding an essential oil to scent the soap, but I think that earthy-ness of the soap will ruin any blend of essential oils. There are some soaps that just beg to be left unscented and I think this is one of them.
What are you grateful for this week?
Yours in Gratitude,
Grateful that my niece moved within a mile of us so I get to see her one-and-a-half year old daughter more often.
How wonderful Donna! I wish my grandbabies lived closer to me. Enjoy your time with your great-niece.
I am thankful for a quiet weekend with some much-needed rest and catch up time with my family.
Your soap sounds wonderful, I have not heard of that combination before. I think unscented is the way to go.
Quiet weekends are always the best. I’m glad you enjoyed your family Sharon.
Grandchildren are the best! My grandchildren entertain all of us too. It’s so fun watching them. How fun to make African Black Soap. People swear by it. I’m excited to hear how it turns out after it cures.
I’m already counting the days until I can see my grand kids again…and when I can finally use the African Black soap Joan!