As I write this blog I haven’t seen the show yet on TV. It starts in a few hours. I’ve seen the promo. I still can’t believe that I was given the title of Master Soap Hacker and made soap on the truTV show Hack My Life. It started like this..
First encounter
Hi Angela,
My name is Laurie, and I am a segment producer on TruTV’s hit show Hack My Life, a show that celebrates hacking in all its wonderful ways.
For our upcoming season, we’re inviting some of the country’s biggest “Hack Masters” into the studio to demonstrate their best hacks with our hosts Brooke and Kevin. We are very interested in having an expert do a DIY soap making demonstration on Saturday, May 30th at our studio in Hoboken, NJ. I wanted to know if you would be interested in possibly appearing on the show to teach our hosts and audience how to make their own soap at home.
If you are interested, I’d love to speak with you. Please email me at …….. or call me during business hours at ………
Thank you!
Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you!
Unfortunately, I had scheduled a soap class and had students already signed up, so I responded and gave Laurie the names of some other soap makers I thought might be interested. A day later my friend Vivian (who owns Lavender Label in Astoria) texted me.
Angela!!! Hack my life just called me to do a bit on their show this Saturday. I’m running a race so I’m not available and let’s be honest I’m nervous as hell in front of a camera! So I referred them to u and she told me they called you but u r teaching and won’t have enough time to go to jersey!!!! Angela you are the perfect candidate for this show! No joke!!! Rethink it! I think you would be great!!
Second encounter
Laurie sent me another email and asked me if I would reconsider doing the show. At this point I knew the show was something I should do. I was able to reschedule the class (Thank you Nancy, Susan, Rosemary and Candy.)
The Hack My Life Experience
On May 30th I went to Hoboken, New Jersey to tape my soap making debut. I had my makeup done professionally and never looked better. There was a girl there who fixed my apron after each take and fussed over me so I looked good. Kevin was so entertaining to make soap with.
Trying to balance the seriousness of working with lye and the playfulness of the show was like walking a tightrope. My portable eyewash had to be off camera while I wanted it on the demo table. They wanted me to pour the raw soap into cat food cans and I explained why they had to be lined. We taped 3 hours for a 5 minute segment. I have no idea how the final clip will turn out, or as I said, if it will even make it on air. I was only able to snap a few pictures. It was quite an experience.
I’d say it was a successful day, wouldn’t you?
Some pictures from the day

Yours in Gratitude,
Wow! Congratulations! What an amazing opportunity. That clip was incredible – you looked great and it looked like you had a blast 🙂 You did a fantastic job!
Thanks Vanessa. It was so much fun to do. I really did enjoy myself.
Congratulations, so glad they selected you and you were able to go.
Thanks Sharon! I’m glad I was able to accommodate them too.