I’m so grateful for my grandchildren. There are some women who can’t wait to become grandmothers. I wasn’t one of them. Alegna Soap® kept me busy and besides, if my children weren’t ready to have kids, I didn’t want them having any.
But a few years ago, Elaine married Leo, and then Steve married Lisa. Steve and Lisa had Luke, and four months later, Elaine and Leo had Brian. And my life hasn’t been the same since.
We get to see Luke more often than Brian. Luke lives in New Rochelle and Brian in Virginia.
Luke is three and talking up a storm, even though I can’t understand him half the time. He likes trucks, trains (which makes his Poppy very happy) and Paw Patrol. He sings and dances and is pure joy to watch.
Brian and I try to go down to see Elaine, Leo and Brian once a month. I’ve been asked more than once if I’m upset because my daughter lives near her in-laws and we won’t be the “first” grandparents. I can honestly say I’m not. I’m happy that Leo’s family treats her like family, that they love Brian and are good to him and my daughter.
Brian is almost three, and learning both English and Spanish because Leo’s family is from Nicaragua. Brian loves both his dogs, reading train books with his Poppy, and sprinkles. His laugh is infectious, and he always has a smile on his face.
How blessed am I to have both these boys as my grandchildren?
What are you grateful for this week?
Yours in Gratitude,
They are so cute. No grandkids here yet, but I am grateful for my family.
Thanks Cindy. Family is always something to be grateful for. Thanks for sharing.