What do a blending class, determination and a nor’easter have in common? I’m so glad you asked.
Last Friday Long Island was hit with another nor’easter. Sleet was coming in almost horizontally, and the wind was so strong I was having a hard time walking to the train station. I was scheduled to teach an essential oil blending class for bath and body products in NYC. I had 7 students that I didn’t want to disappoint. Marla from Back Porch Soap had set the class up for me, and I didn’t want to disappoint her either.
The problem was, the Long Island Rail Road trains were delayed. And when there is a nor’easter and the trains are already delayed, I knew there was a chance I’d be stuck in the city. So along with my bag of materials for class, I packed my toothbrush, tooth paste and a pair of sweat pants. That was all I had room for.
My train was 30 minutes late, and took an extra 30 minutes to get in, so my one hour trip took two. I finally made it to the Little Shop of Crafts where the class was being held. You can see how happy I am to see Joy, the manager of the shop. You can also see how waterlogged I am!
Once I dried off, I set up the class, and waited for my students.
Out of seven signups, four students were able to make it in.
They each made 2 signature scents, and them used them in 2 different products, a lotion and an oil.
I like small classes. I can give more personalized attention and the students seem to bond with one another. We all smelled each others creations and followed one other on different social media platforms.
Getting home proved to be even more difficult than getting in. Most of the trains were cancelled. I was finally able to get on a train that went to a different town, and Brian was able to pick me up.
This week I’m grateful I made it into the city Friday. I was truly looking forward to teaching this blending class. I’m also grateful I didn’t need the supplies I packed “just in case” and that I made it home.
What are you grateful for this week?
Yours in Gratitude,
That was a terrible storm, I am happy that you made it to your class.
It was a terrible storm Sharon. I’m glad we don’t get them that often.
Glad you made it both ways ????.
North East PA got hit but nothing I haven’t experienced in the past. By Saturday morning we were all on the road moving around pretty much normally. I also am grateful that my family and extended family were all safe
Thanks for sharing Emy. I’m happy things are back to normal too!
You went above and beyond. Glad you got home safely.
Me too Donna! It’s great to sleep in your own bed.